Phil M. Jones - Value Propositon

A workshop on buying into value and what matters most in business

A man stands in a conference room, using his hands to make an arrow shape
Tools & Equipment
Purple camera icon
Cameras & Lenses
2x Canon EOS C200 (A and B Cams)
2x Canon EF 24-105mm ƒ/4 Lenses
Purple screwdriver and wrench icon
Skills & Tools
Multi-Cam Filming, Event Coverage Videography, Wireless Lavalier Microphone
Purple computer icon
Editing Software
Adobe Premiere Pro


Phil M. Jones, acclaimed best-selling author and renowned professional speaker, was preparing to lead a comprehensive workshop on the power of buying into value.

He sought not only to archive this invaluable content for the company who asked him to host the event, but also maximize its reach by creating digestible social media clips from its key moments.


The Island Media's Isaac Leif and I made our way downtown with a pair of Canon C200s. Our mission was to capture the full-day workshop in a multi-cam format, making the final edit dynamic and engaging for future online viewers.


Two curated clips from this multi-layered project are showcased below. The full workshop is available to be used as training content, while clips like these serve to engage and educate users on social media platforms.

Tip of the Arrow

Phil M Jones reminds us that even when your business is doing everything else right, you still need something that can pierce a market.

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The Happiest Place on Earth

How your brand is percieved may be even more important than what your brand sells - need proof? Look at Disney World.

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